Our Vision
At Govinda's Eco Village, we aim to create a local farm so that it is accessible for everyone. The aim is to give the community beautiful facilities near public transport links to improve a quality of life.
With open gardens and the local farm, we want to give access for people to explore and integrate nature in their lives. Increasing local food production in particular improves co-ordination between land-use and transportation infrastructure to achieve more sustainable development while reducing harmful emissions from transport.
Local Produce
Local farm produce reduces the costs and pollution
produced by transport, ensure a dependable market
for the farmer, support sustainable agriculture and
urban food security, and allow the cultivation of
crops tailored to local needs, not to market demand
or the need to withstand long distance transport.
Community Support
Community Supported Agriculture also reduces the
costs and pollution produced by transport, ensures
a dependable market for the farmer, supports
sustainable agriculture and urban food security, and
allow the cultivation of crops tailored to local needs,
not to withstand long distance transport.
Being close to public transport is key to reducing the carbon footprint. Currently Bus Eireann services are limited to the main arterial routes and rail on the east coast. Convenience, within 15 mins walk of frequent public transport services is key to reducing environmental impact of traffic.